Caim & Abel: Inimigos Eternos 1985


Kane and Abel are born on the same day the same year on each side of the Atlantic. William Kane is born in one of the richest families of Boston and grows up to be a banker on Wall Street. Abel Rosnovski is born in the Polish countryside and has to spend many years in Siberian prison camps before he travels to New York and eventually creates one of the world's largest...

Todos los títulos
  • US: Kane & Abel Kane & Abel
  • DE: Kain und Abel Kain und Abel
  • JP: Ai to yabô ni moeru hibi: Kein to Aberu Ai to yabô ni moeru hibi: Kein to Aberu
  • ES: Kane y Abel Kane y Abel
  • US: Kane & Abel Kane & Abel
Fecha de lanzamiento 17 Nov 1985
Enlace IMDb
